To install NuGen 1) Copy file(s) into a temporary directory. 2) If the files are compressed then uncompress them. 3) From Windows run the NINSTALL program by: a) From File Manager double click on NINSTALL.EXE b) Or use File\Run.. in File Manager 4) A program group with icons will be produced, and NUGEN will be installed into directory MORSCODE. ****************************************************************** LAST MINUTE NOTES: The NuGen install program tries to prevent older files overwriting newer ones and will ask permission before doing so. If you already have NuMorse for Windows on your system then certain files will have had their creation dates altered due to a bug in the NuMorse installation program. As a result you may get a spurious query from the NuGen installer with certain files, for example BWCC.DLL. If you do then go ahead and let the overwrite continue. ****************************************************************** Overview of NuGen Nugen is an application designed to generate text files containing self-consistent authentic sounding Morse Code messages. These files can be used in Morse Code trainer programs such as NuMorse to give practice in the decoding of messages similar to those heard on the Amateur Radio bands. An additional feature is the ability to generate tests that can be made to conform to the requirements of many testing authorities. NuGen has been designed so that users can access and customise almost of the QSO and test generator parameters. A unique feature of NuGen is the provision of a simple script language whereby users can edit a set of built-in script files to alter the sort of messages and tests that are produced. The user can also select the length of messages to be produced. The tests can be generated in a variety of formats; for example multi-choice tests or simple question and answer tests can easily be produced. After generation the tests and answers are automatically combined with editable template files to produce the final result called a test set. Up to 26 test sets (all different) can be produced in one session. For practice purposes up to 26 messages can be combined into a file for subsequent play back by most Morse code trainer programs. Most testing authorities require the inclusion of specific characters in a code test. To facilitate this NuGen will check the content of every message produced, and take action if the required characters are missing. In keeping with the philosophy of the program, the action taken and characters checked can be set by the user. For example a warning message can be displayed, or a replacement message can be automatically generated.